“When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result.”
- Deepak Chopra
Integrative Wellness
Integrative Wellness utilizes alternative-medicine with an evidence-based approach to health and wellbeing that addresses the whole person - mind, body, and soul.
It “integrates” a combination of different approaches and therapies to address a combination of human dynamics to optimally achieve health and healing.
Integrative wellness focuses on you as a whole person and not just the single area that has become problematic. It is based on the premise that there are likely deeper, correlating, and interrelated concerns in other areas of life that must be addressed for complete wellness to be achieved.
While integrative wellness seeks to understand the underlying cause of the problem, it does so by looking at your complete mind, body and spirit to fully alleviate it.

“The part can never be well until the whole is well.”
- Plato
Holistic Integrative Wellness
Empowering whole-person wellness to successfully achieve life goals.
Holistic - Enhancing the whole by enhancing each part individually.
Integrative - Integrating a combination of modalities to effectively address a combination of systems.
Wellness - Wholeness, harmony, and balance in the whole system.

Integrative Wellness and Mindfulness Coaching
Coaching towards balance and wholeness in mind, body, and soul to facilitate more profound states of peace, happiness, and life fulfillment.
Guidance from a place of knowing there is more to one part of the human being, and addressing the whole person is the only way of truly and effectively optimizing wellbeing.
Integrative Wellness
Harmony, balance, and wholeness in wellbeing
Working towards growth from a holistic integrative wellness model that requires balance in all areas to optimally achieve your life goals.
Holistic Therapy
“What occurs within the other systems of mind and soul will present itself in the physical system of the body eventually. Harmful thoughts on repeat can cause illness and disease over time.”
We aim to enhance the well-being of the whole person with natural modalities of mindset training, meditation, breathwork, motion, and nutrition.
Holistic therapies are implemented with the understanding that even a single problem within the many-part system of a human being still requires a many-part solution to restore vitality to the whole. There is not one magical cure, but rather a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes to promote optimal healing and wellness.
Energy and Matter
The Principe of Wave-Particle Duality states that both light and particle are both energy and matter. This means that we are both energy and matter; wave and particle.
Since we are both wave and particle, then increasing the amplitude of our frequency with mindset techniques will have a positive effect on our matter. Improving the state of our minds will have a positive influence on our bodies. They are two parts of the same whole. We are both. Improving one helps to improve the other. Improving both will enhance the entire system and the experience of consciousness overall.

Mind-body medicine reveals evidence of thoughts and emotions influencing physical health.
Biofeedback reveals real-time evidence of the power of the mind to control the body. We will help you recognize and change harmful thoughts to improve mental, emotional, and physical wellness.
The mind releases hormones to either disrupt biological functioning or activate it. Stress may diminish the body’s ability to heal and stay healthy, but Integrative Wellness can radically enhance it.
Mind-Body Connection
“Your body hears everything your mind says.”
Harmony in thought equates to balance in biology.
Maintain a healthy mind and sustain a healthy body.

Integrative Meditation
Meditation has a whole-person focus that catalyzes healing, personal growth, and organic life improvement.
“Meditation is an ancient art backed by modern science with an abundance of measurable data that illustrates a litany of health benefits to brain, body, and wellbeing.”
- Padraic Gray, TrilataMind Alchemy

Integrative Wellness
Fuel your human machine to run its best.
Nutrition is vital to providing your cells with enough sustainable energy to properly power your human machine. In our Integrative Wellness programs, we will work with your specific energy needs and dietary restrictions to create a Nutrition Plan that effectively fuels your body to do what your mind and soul have in store for your life.
Ayurveda is an ancient modality of self-healing and holistic wellness through lifestyle and natural therapies to regain balance in the mind, body, and spirit.
Ayurveda is based on the understanding that disease or illness in the body stems from stress or imbalance in consciousness.
The TrilataMind Collective utilizes some practices of Ayurveda in our Integrative Wellness programs to catalyze your growth, optimize your well-being, and restore the balance between the natural environment and your mind, body, and soul.
Some ayurvedic-based techniques utilized in our programs include self-discovery exercises of heightened awareness, internal purification processes, mindset coaching, breathwork, personalized nutrition plans, herbal remedies, sound therapy, aromatherapy, a connection to nature, yoga, tai chi, and meditation.
Balancing the mind, body, and soul while strengthening the connection to the whole.

“Food is either a powerful cure and catalyst of wellness or a harmful toxin and a cause of illness. Leveraging food as fuel to the mind, body, and soul empowers full human potential to launch your life into new realms of better-than-ever.”
- Padraic Gray, TrilataMind Alchemy

“Almost all illness stems from stress and inflammation of some sort. Blue space and green space have been proven to decrease stress and inflammation drastically. The great outdoors is being used as an option to treat and prevent many forms of illness and disease with nature as medicine.”
- Padraic Gray, TrilataMind Alchemy
Breathwork Break
Breathe with the shape
Objects in Motion
Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. Physical fitness sets the stage for health and wellness in the now while preparing us for longevity in the future.
“A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for several life-threatening diseases. We must stay in motion to maintain proper function of our human machines in the long term. We were made for movement. We are meant to be in motion. When we forget that, disease and illness arise in mind, body, and soul.”
- Padraic Gray, TrilataMind Alchemy
In all things…

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